Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Big Show: Son In Play-Offs

November 08

My little boy’s team made it to the playoffs this season. They did quite well and this past weekend it was down to the final game for first place in the league.

The league went all out for this big game. They played on a field that had the official scoreboards that also tracked balls, strikes and innings. There was an announcer who on loudspeaker first introduced each team, player by player before the game started. Then he’d comment during the game as well as name each player before they go up to bat. Music was played between innings. At the end of the game, there was a little ceremony where each player was handed a first or second place medal while their coach said a little word about them over the loudspeaker.

As far as the boys go, they’d made it to the Big Show. Watching the little men swagger about the field was utterly delightful to me. They knew this was special and were basking in it. Only two teams got to play on this field this year.

Unfortunately, the other team played better and won the game. And my son, aka Speedy Gonzales, experienced for first time an unsuccessful base steal. I know how proud he is of his ability to steal bases so it was hard watching the shock and disappointment on his face when he got tagged “out”.

But he was still overall thrilled with playing in that game, regardless of the outcome. He proudly marched up to take his medal. I think this is in part to my reaction to his getting second place (So its been over 2 decades since I shook my pom-poms but I still know how to cheer!) but also his coach. We (and I say “we” because I see coaches as an extension of my parenting) got lucky. He is not only good at teaching them the game but focused on sportsmanship.

I insisted that we go directly to a popular family restaurant with him still in his uniform wearing the medal around his neck for dinner. Other little boys and parents recognized he was a champion with a smile or even a thumbs up. Again, little basking never hurt anyone.

Not sure who was basking more though...

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