Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Picture Perfect Snow

Jan 09

We got a few inches of snow today, the first real accumulation this winter. While I shoveled the sidewalks and driveway, the kids did what kids do in this stuff. Pure joy for them. The cold and wet doesn't bother them. Which will always mystify me as I didn't grow up with the stuff. At most, we'd get an inch of the stuff once in a blue moon... which would be melted by noon.

But given my kids' reaction to it, it must be great fun.

As I stood at the end of my driveway, surveying the neighborhood, I noticed all the lawns that had multiple paths of foot prints looping throughout their yard. Those are the homes with children. Then there were the homes that had no foot prints, looking like a perfect holiday card picture.

I'm so grateful for my not so pretty snow covered lawn. And I will be sad the day that it does stay picture perfect.

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