Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In the Blink of an Eye

Jan 2009

On my very, very messy desk sits one of my favorite photos. It was snapped on my four-year-old daughter’s first day of pre-school as we arrived by the teacher. I’m behind her, bent down so my face is on same level with hers, with my right arm around her middle. My other hand holds the hand of her two-year-old brother.

She and I are grinning, complete with our matching dimples. She is wearing this pretty little blue dress covered in flowers with white socks folded at ankles. It’s the proud smile and twinkle in her eye that I adore. My little extrovert was just starting to emerge. She was so excited to meet new friends.

My son, well, he clearly doesn’t know what to make of all of this. His huge blue eyes look into the camera. He’s not scared but I can see a little apprehension. He is also clutching this cardboard book about a fire engine that he loved. I’d read that book to him several times a day and it went everywhere with him for a few months. He’s nervous, but between holding me and that book, he’s OK.

I have it in prominent position so as I can look at it often. Its not just a momentary flash back into time that I enjoy… but to remember life is made up of moments that are fleeting.

To quote my teen movie hero, Ferris Bueller:

“Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

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