Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To Be or Not To Be Pretty

Sept 08

So I'm in that school morning mode. I've already been up for awhile working, but now kids are starting their day. I'm in the kitchen whipping up breakfast, packing up lunches and, of course, bopping to my music.

My nearly 12 year old daughter makes a rather sullen entrance. (I know, I know, preteen angst.) She had had a hard time with her morning alarm is the problem. After she mumbles something to my "Good morning Angel", I notice she's wearing with a cute pair of navy blue shorts, an old BLACK souvenir t-shirt that I know is of no particular sentimental value. The whole dark look just emphasizes that that sparkle that is usually in her eyes is gone.

The easier question is asked... "What happened to those new shirts we picked out? Is there a reason you're wearing something you've told me you don't think is pretty?"

Her reply... "I don't feel pretty this morning. I'm tired."

Being both my mother's daughter and raised in Dallas, Texas (where there are more beauty salons and spas than Starbucks per block), I stop what I'm doing.

"Ah! I understand. I'm going to show you a little trick for days where you wake up not feeling pretty."

So we marched back upstairs to her room where her bed looked like a wrestling match between angry monkeys had taken place. On the floor were all the discarded clothing options (she is so my daughter!).

First of all, we scooped up all the clothing and put it back. Then we made the bed up... with the usual arranging of stuffed animals "just so."

"There, now look how pretty your room is again? That's the first part of the trick, make your space pretty."

Then we decided on a bright tie-dyed shirt... I explained "Happy colors always are pretty."

Finally, I get out a brush and her hair notions. A few strokes and one butterfly clip later... a pretty hairstyle. And as my daughter is admiring herself in the mirror, I notice the sparkle has returned.

My mother was right. Pretty is as Pretty Does.

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