Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Epicurean Delights

from 4/28/08

One friend once called me a "true sensualist" upon watching me practically swoon as I tasted a dish he had prepared. I had admired how pretty it looked... enjoyed the aroma... then took a bite.

I loved not just the flavor but the warmth on my tongue as well as the texture. And for a few moments I truly was in a state of bliss.

Those who regularly read my blog will not be surprised that I approach the art of dining the same way many approach making love. Its all about anticipation and seduction of the senses. And in certain settings, it is an expression of affection.

This mindset is exactly why I eagerly anticipate my cooking club. I actually belong to two. The first one has been meeting for close to 15 years now. We were all single or newly married and wanting to try new recipes as well as socialize. They've all become my dearest and bestest friends.

But my second one, the one I joined in January, is a true gourmet delight. Everyone is very serious about the pleasure of the palatte as well as the adventures of exploring another culture through their food.

Sometimes we'll do appetizers while everyone catches up then sit down to a feast. Or we'll do what we did yesterday which is space out all the dishes over the course of several hours.

The theme was "seafood"... all dishes had to have at least one ingredient that came from the ocean. (I made a Japanese seaweed salad). Every bite was pure pleasure. I was particulary impressed with dessert which was trotted out at 7PM (we began at 2PM to give you an idea of how we don't rush this process!). It was a melon sorbet.

Not only was it a beautiful dish (designed to look like an actual watermelon with a "green" outer sorbet rind and pink inner fruit sorbet center complete with "seeds" that were actually midori soaked dates. It was sweet yet light... perfect ending to a perfect feast.

Conversation was also delightful. Of course, as every person there is a "foodie", we covered new restaurants or recipes we'd discovered in the past month as well as stories centered around food... some going back to childhood.

But as we also have in common a "hedonistic" approach to many other activities (music, art, travel, etc), there are so many more enjoyable stories of experiences to hear.

And other non-foodie friend wonder why my monthly cooking club date is something I will schedule my other activities around!

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