Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Crazy Gas Prices Good in the End?

August 2008

Like many people, I'm gnashing my teeth whenever I fill up my tank lately then read that gasoline companies are having record profits and getting government subsidies to find new oil reserves. I know we live in a capitalistic society where supply and demand are the key components, but still pisses me off.

I chose to not pay more for gas by decreasing my demand for it by changing around my personal and professional habits. I walk more than I drive now. I'm lucky in that I live in a place that has sidewalks that take me in either 5 minute to 15 minutes where I need to go. I also have the freedom to not only work from home but arrange my schedule that all my face to face meetings take place on one day. Often, I can take the train so I only drive to the station.

This made sense to me too in terms of not wanting to be a part of the problem when it comes to our environment.

Then today, as I was reading yet another story on how obesity in this country is a life-threatening problem to too many... how we all feel the burden too when it comes to insurance raising rates to cover the rising costs of caring for people with illnesses/diseases traced to that extra weight. And how we're now facing that for the first time in many, many generations, our children may have a SHORTER average life span than their parents because of the rampant childhood obesity.

I wondered... maybe this crisis is also our salvation as a society?

Maybe if we started walking more and more places rather than driving (and our children, partners and friends joining us on those walks) we'll be improving the environment AND physical health?

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