Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Macabre Coincidence

Feb 2009

It was another unusually warm and blustery day yesterday. While out walking, I realized the nearby airport must have changed the approach patterns because of the wind. Planes were now roaring over my neighborhood. I could see landing-gear dropping at times.

Which, being the lover of “something new” that I am… I actually enjoyed as I got out and about throughout the day. As my weird brain is apt to do, I started wondering where a pilot would try to put his plane down should it malfunction during take-off or landing. Could it avoid the houses? It is a pretty densely populated area.

Every single time I beat the pavement somewhere, which was several times yesterday, a fragment of that pondering popped into my head. I found myself wondering who else was considering this thought today.

This morning, the very first news headline I see: “Fiery Plane Crash in Upstate New York Kills 49 People.”

Apparently, a plane crashed into house last night. Nothing to do with winds or anything, it was ice on the wings and fog. But still. How creepy is that?

Oh. And may the 49 people who lost their lives rest in peace. My heart goes out to all their loved ones. No matter how intrigued I am by this coincidence, I can't imagine what they are going through at this moment.

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