Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Erasing All Memories of a Former Love

From July 08

If you could, would you totally erase from your memory a former lover who broke your heart? It would truly be as if it never happened. If you saw them on the street, you'd think they were a stranger.

That's what the movie, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is about. It stars Jim Carrey (way toned down) and Kate Winslet. It was written by the same guy who did "Being John Malkovich" and since I really enjoyed that movie, I was excited to see this one.

Its one of those twisted romance movies that explores the labyrinth of the mind. It goes to places that make you smile and wince at same time.

And guess what?! Its on which means if you have NOT seen it, you can for free! (What can I say, I'm a cheap date.)

To answer my own question, I would never want to forget. And its for the most narcissistic reasons of all too. My experiences shape who I am. They make me who I am. If I erased them, I'd not be me. And while there's many things I dislike about myself... overall, I don't want to be anyone but me.

Would you erase anything from your memory if you could?

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