Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Election Night: Victory Regardless

Nov 08

For those who know me, you know I believe that an Obama administration is the best one for the majority of people over the McCain one. My choice is made from both an intellectual and emotional place. Its also an intuitive belief too. You know what I mean, that FEELING that its the right one on so many different levels.

Also, I am one of those people who believes that you should always hope for the best but prepared for the worst.

One of the morning shows had a sociologist who commented that regardless of who gets the actual job... Its been a remarkable victory in that as a society. For the first time ever, we had the choice to vote for a potential leader based solely on his qualifications rather than his skin color.

It wasn't that long ago that black people were often disenfranchised period despite having the right to vote.

As a mother, I am happy for those mothers of children of color. They knew that life wasn't fair to them because of that extra pigment, curlier hair, etc. Their little boy or little girl could be smarter and work harder... but in the end, in certain circles, it really didn't matter. My kids don't have to face that kind of unfairness. And hopefully, more of their kids' won't either.

We've got a long way to go to a truly level playing field... but today is a sign that we are that much closer to achieving it.

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